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Zain, the Son of Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, Died at the Age of 26

The software company sent an email to its top executives informing them of Zain’s death. According to the statement, executives were requested to keep the family in their thoughts and prayers while providing them space to mourn privately.

Microsoft Corporation announced on Tuesday that Zain Nadella, the son of CEO Satya Nadella with his wife Anu Nadella, had died.

According to the software company’s senior team, Zain, who is 26 years old and was born suffering cerebral palsy, died on Monday morning.

According to the article, the note requested officials to keep the family in their thoughts and prayers whilst providing them space to grieve quietly.

In a blog post from October 2017, the CEO discussed the birth of his son.

“One night, during the thirty-sixth week of her pregnancy, Anu noticed that the baby was not moving as much as she was accustomed to. So we went to the emergency room of a local hospital in Bellevue,” Nadella stated in the post.


“We thought it would be just a routine checkup, little more than new parent anxiety. I distinctly remember feeling annoyed by the wait times we experienced in the emergency room. But upon examination, the doctors were alarmed enough to order an emergency cesarean section,” he added.

Zain was delivered at 11:29 p.m. on August 13, 1996, weighing three pounds and without crying, according to the CEO.

“Zain was transported from the hospital in Bellevue across Lake Washington to Seattle Children’s Hospital with its state-of-the-art Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Anu began her recovery from the difficult birth. I spent the night with her in the hospital and immediately went to see Zain the next morning. Little did I know then how profoundly our lives would change,” Nadella said.

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